Monday, August 20, 2012

Manicure Monday - Ombre the Other Way Nails

Hi everybody! Sorry I went totally AWOL last week - I had such a busy few days! For this week, I did another version of ombre nails, with the ombre spreading across all my nails instead of just on individual nails as I showed in: Gradient/Ombre Nails .                                                   

Monday, August 6, 2012

Manicure Monday - Union Jack/British Flag Nails

Hi guys! So once again I did an olympics-themed manicure. I chose to do a union jack on my ring finger just as an accent, but it would also look good with the flag on every nail!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Manicure Monday - Olympic Ring Nails

*OMG, so somehow I accidentally saved this as a draft instead of publishing it on Monday! Sorry for the late post!*

Hi everybody! As I'm sure everyone knows, the olympics have just begun, so this week I decided to do a special olympics manicure. I love getting in the spirit of the olympics and basically camping out at my tv for two weeks! This manicure is surprisingly pretty easy, so I hope everyone tries it out before the olympics are over!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Manicure Monday - Half Moon Nails

This is a great simple & elegant manicure. It's so easy and cute! I did it back in the winter with silver and black for a more edgy look and it was fabulous. It looks great with almost any colors, so experiment and have fun with it!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How To Get The Perfect Manicure

Hey everyone! I think its about time that I let you all in on my secret tips and tricks for achieveing the perfect manicure. Of course, all of these steps are optional and some require tools that you may not have, so just do what you are able to! In this tutorial I used Orly's "Gumdrop."

Monday, July 16, 2012

Manicure Monday - Argyle Nails

Today's manicure tutorial is for argyle nails. The reason my picture for this week is only one nail is because I ended up liking my nails better without the black. Even though they were no longer truly argyle, I liked them better with just the triangles of color! I think part of the problem was the colors I used - I think the argyle would look better if I had used dark colors for the triangles and white instead of black for the finishing lines. Oh well, at least I ended up with a cool manicure, even if it wasn't what I originally planned!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Manicure Monday - Gradient/Ombre Nails

Hey everybody! This week's manicure tutorial is for gradient nails (sometimes called ombre nails). I previewed this manicure in my post Spoiler Alert! Manicures I've Done Lately. I am so excited about this manicure and I can't wait to try it in all different colors and styles!

***you will need foam makeup sponges for this manicure***

Friday, July 6, 2012

Good Advice!

My mom gave this to me on a magnet a few years back and I think its great advice :) Don't forget to check back on Monday to see the tutorial for that awesome manicure that I previewed last week!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Manicure Monday - Stars and Stripes Nails

Hey everybody! Happy almost fourth of July! I had so many cool ideas for fourth of July nails, but I ended up just going with a simple manicure that makes your fingers look just like a flag. It uses the taping technique that I've used on many of the other manicures here, so its pretty simple.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spoiler Alert! Manicures I've Done Lately

Hey everybody! I hope everyone is having a good week. So, I have been doing lots of manicures lately. Even before I started this blog, the kids I babysit would always ask me to do their nails, and today when I was babysitting they asked me to try out a really cool technique. I had tried this technique before and my nails had never turned out very good, but today something must have clicked because they turned out great (if I do say so myself!) I will definitely be doing a tutorial on this type of nail art ASAP...probably Monday the 9th (because next Monday will be fourth of July nails!)

I also added a special touch to the ones on the left :)
I just did this dolphin using a thin stripe brush (alternatives for a thin brush are listed in this post: Cheetah Print Nails)

PLUS: a few weeks ago I did my cousin's nails using the chevron technique that I described in my very first post (Chevron/Ikat/Triangle Nails)...I wanted to incude this picture so you could see another color combination! These ones are silver, purple, and blue.