Monday, July 2, 2012

Manicure Monday - Stars and Stripes Nails

Hey everybody! Happy almost fourth of July! I had so many cool ideas for fourth of July nails, but I ended up just going with a simple manicure that makes your fingers look just like a flag. It uses the taping technique that I've used on many of the other manicures here, so its pretty simple.

Step 1: Paint a white basecoat.

Step 2: Place star sticker on thumb. I just used the foil star stickers that were lying around my house, but you could use any star shaped sticker, or even a star cut out of tape.

Step 3: Paint blue nail polish over the thumb and let dry for a few seconds, blowing on the nail a little bit. Then peel off the star sticker (it's a bit difficult and you will probably get blue nail polish all over your fingers). And voila! A star!

Step 4: On all other nails, place a few thin strips of tape horizontally and parallel to each other. Then paint red nail polish over nail. Just like with the thumb, let the polish dry for a few seconds and blow on it a bit. Then gently peel the tape off and there are your stripes!

Well, I hope everybody has a great week and a fabulous fourth of July! And remember, don't let yourself be caught at a fourth of July party without a festive manicure!

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